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SOCI 250: Comparative Ethnic Relations

Comparative Ethnic Relations

SOCI 250: Comparative Ethnic Relations


12 credits and SOCI 110 or ANTH 110

ENGL 100

This course offers an overview of the sociological study of ‘race’ and ‘ethnicity’ using examples from the Canadian context. It introduces students to the processes involved in the social construction of ‘racial’ and ethnic categories, with attention to the historical and contemporary outcomes of such categorization. By exploring how conceptions and experiences of ‘race’ and ‘ethnicity’ affect everyday life in Canada, the course also investigates how ideas and practices of ‘race’ and ‘ethnicity’ emerge, shift over time, and become part of culture. Topics such as racism, ethnocentrism, multiculturalism, immigration policy, First Nations’ relations, and the hyphenated identity will be studied. Relevant sociological theories and research methods are utilized for further examination of race and ethnic relations.

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