Consent means giving agreement to participate in a sexual activity. If sexual activity occurs without consent, it is considered rape or sexual assault, a criminal offence. Consent is part of healthy sexual communication and all people involved must agree to sex every time for it to be consensual.
Consent Is: |
Consent Is Not: |
To learn more about consent check out Consent: It’s Simple as Tea. You can find out more about sexual assault and the law in Canada here.
If you Have Experienced Sexual Assault:
- Find a safe place.
- Connect with a person you trust (friend, family member, counsellor, instructor, etc.).
- Contact one of the organizations/agencies listed in the Resources section.
- Seek medical care (go to your local hospital or the Vancouver General Hospital Sexual Assault Service).
- Call local police detachment or the RCMP if you would like to report the assault.
Sexual Assault Policy
Sexual Assault
What is sexual assault? Sexual assault is any unwanted sexual contact. Columbia College is committed to making sure that all students can study in a safe and respectful environment, free from sexual assault of any kind. Columbia College offers counselling support for individuals impacted by sexual assault, regardless of when or where the assault occurred. Columbia College counsellors, or specially trained Sexual Assault Response Advisors, can also assist students who would like to report a sexual assault and/or have their assault investigated. However, all students are free to disclose their assault to a counsellor, so that they can get help and support, without making a report or starting an investigation process.
Sexual Assault Policy
Since June 2016, Columbia College has been working on creating a Sexual Assault Policy which outlines the College’s protocols for responding to sexual assault. The process of developing this Policy has included consulting with students and staff members, and multiple stages of editing and revision. The policy will be accessible online and through Student Services staff members, once finalized. Counsellors and Sexual Assault Response Advisors are available to explain the Sexual Assault Policy to you and answer any questions you may have about how it works and how it can apply to you.
Support Services
Women Against Violence Against Women (WAVAW)
Vancouver General Hospital Sexual Assault Service – Jim Pattison Pavilion:
- Go directly to the Vancouver General Hospital Emergency Department at 920 West 10th Avenue (near Broadway and Oak) in Vancouver, BC. Ask for the Sexual Assault Service. Nurses and doctors are on-call 24 hours a day.
Vancouver Rape Relief & Women’s Shelter
- 604-872-8212 (24 hour crisis line)
- 604-872-3311(24 hours a day, seven days a week)
VictimLinkBC is a toll-free, confidential, multilingual telephone service available across British Columbia 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Call 1-800-563-0808.