Everything students need for their academic work is conveniently located in the Bookstore in the Main Campus (3rd Floor). The Bookstore’s friendly staff will guide students in finding all of their course textbooks and any other supplies, stationary, and writing materials they may need. The Bookstore also manages the Lost and Found and Locker Rentals.
Please note that we no longer accept cash.
Current hours
Monday to Thursday, 9am – 5pm
Friday, 9am – 4:30pm
(unless the College is closed for holidays)
Contact us
CC Bookstore
Room 312, 3rd Floor, Main Campus
Your instructor will be able to tell you what the textbook (s) will be for the course. The bookstore will also have a list of all courses and textbooks. Some courses may have electronic textbooks, some may require hard copies of textbooks, and some courses may have open resource textbooks (OER) that are free to access.
Please note that the bookstore does not carry hard copies of all textbooks, we only carry hard copies of textbooks that instructors have requested us to stock. Many instructors assign electronic textbooks only.
Most textbooks are sold through VitalSource. You will need to set up an account using the following URL: https://www.vitalsource.com/en-ca/. A credit card is required for e-text purchases. The bookstore will be able to tell you the ISBN number of the e-text you need for your course.
If you are having any difficulty with the purchase process please visit the Vital Source FAQ page at https://support.vitalsource.com/hc/en-us/categories/201207418-VitalSource-Store-and-Sampling-Portal to resolve your issue. If you are still having difficulty with your e-text purchase, where you may not have a credit card or your credit card is not working, please contact bookstore@columbiacollege.ca and we can arrange an alternate payment method.
Vital Source has a return policy listed on their website: https://www.vitalsource.com/en-ca/refund-policy
Please contact bookstore@columbiacollege.ca and someone will help you with your required textbooks.
Certain courses require a package of reading material that will be available to purchase in the bookstore. The bookstore will know what package is needed for the course(s) you are taking.
The bookstore accepts debit and credit cards and, in most cases, you will be able to tap your card for purchases up to $100. We no longer accept cash payments.
The bookstore sells notebooks, pens/pencils, highlighters, USB sticks, white-out … pretty much the typical stuff that students will need.
There are also Columbia College branded items such as hoodies, backpacks, water bottles and hats.