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Future Agents

Why partner with Columbia College?

Columbia College is a non-profit and registered charity located in Vancouver BC, home to approximately 2,000 international students from more than 50 countries each year. We are a participant in the BC University Transfer System, a credit transfer system managed by the BC Council on Admissions and Transfer (BCCAT).

Columbia College offers a variety of programs, which include high school completion programs and Associate Degrees. In addition, we offer a wide range of first and second year university courses that will assist your students in transferring successfully to major universities in Canada.

As a Columbia College partner, you can be sure that your students will experience the benefits of small class sizes, affordable tuition fees, and student-centred support services. Our passionate team of Student Recruiters will closely work with you to provide support and training, and ensure a smooth application process.

How to become an Agent with CC

If you are interested in becoming an authorized representative of Columbia College, we welcome you to complete a Prospective Agent Interest form. 

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