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Bursary Alumni Profile: Noor Bassam Had Najar


Noor Bassam Had Najar is a Columbia College Bursary Alumni now studying Mechatronics Engineering at Simon Fraser University. Nour is originally from Iraq and is now a Canadian Citizen.

Nour started at CC in 2016 in English 098 and completed 56 credits in University Transfer Science with a 2.96 GPA. She is in her 4th year at SFU and during her studies has completed various Co-Op placements and is expected to graduate in 2022.Nour was one of the first students to register in Columbia College’s Bursary Program in 2016 and has been an exemplary student demonstrating unwavering commitment to her education. She has overcome multiple barriers to her education, being displaced twice by war, once in Iraq and second in Syria, eventually making her way to Canada in 2015.

Watch her interview with #LifeatCC where she describes what it’s like to be a female in engineering, the challenges she faced re-starting her education, and the advice she has for other students in similar situations.

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