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Bursary Alumni Profile: Nour Arafeh


Nour Arafeh is a Columbia College Bursary Alumni now studying Biomedical Sciences at Simon Fraser University. Nour is originally from Syria and is now a Canadian Citizen! She started at CC in 2018 in English 096 moving onto a University Transfer Science program with a 3.61 CGPA. She is currently awaiting her admission at UBC’s Pharmacology program to start in Fall, 2021.

Nour’s academic journey at Columbia College finally ended the interruption to her education. While in Syria, Nour completed two years of studies in Pharmacy, but because of the war her family had to constantly flee between Lebanon and Syria. Unable to have permanent status in Lebanon and unable to remain in Syria, her family decided to apply for resettlement to Canada.

Watch her interview with #LifeatCC where she describes the challenges she faced re-starting her education and how she overcame the barriers that came her way.

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