CC blog


Alumni of the Month: Alvis Tsui

We are pleased to announce that Alvis Tsui, who studied at the college from 1976 to 1977, is now the chair of Alumni Engagement Committee at Columbia College. Alvis runs

Student Life

Joining Student Life Activities and Events

So you want to join an activity or event hosted by Student Life? It’s as easy as 1,2,3! 1. Register Online 👉Visit the Events Calendar and click on the activity

Charitable Programs

Bursary Student Profile: Tasneem Shurbaji

My name is Tasneem Shurbaji and I am originally from Syria. I came to Canada five years ago and I’m proud to say I received my Canadian citizenship a year

Charitable Programs

Bursary Alumni Profile: Nour Arafeh

Nour Arafeh is a Columbia College Bursary Alumni now studying Biomedical Sciences at Simon Fraser University. Nour is originally from Syria and is now a Canadian Citizen! She started at

Charitable Programs

Bursary Alumni Profile: Noor Bassam Had Najar

Noor Bassam Had Najar is a Columbia College Bursary Alumni now studying Mechatronics Engineering at Simon Fraser University. Nour is originally from Iraq and is now a Canadian Citizen. Nour

Charitable Programs

Meet the Charitable Programs Team

Who brings in students with refugee status and settles them into the Vancouver community? Who teaches many of our students essential digital literacy skills, such as how to use Microsoft Word? Who enables

CC’s CREATE Program featured on BCCIE

The BC Council for International Education (BCCIE) recently interviewed Chelsey Acierno and Ginny Chien about the College’s Student Refugee Program. You can read the full article here.