New! Pathway to BCIT: Digital Forensics & Cybersecurity. Click here to learn more! 

International Centre for Student Success (ICSS)

The ICSS provides comprehensive and holistic wrap-around supports to enable students from diverse backgrounds to access, continue, or restart their academic journey.

Programs at the ICSS include counselling, tutoring, academic advising, immigration advisors, career support, and annual events such as the Limitless Conference to support and profile leadership skills amongst international students.   

To view a brochure describing the ICSS click here: ICSS flatsheet

Essential Technology and Workplace Skills Program

The Essential Technology and Workplace Skills Program’s primary purpose is to improve all learner’s digital literacy and work-ready skills by providing accessible, up-to-date training modules. The program provides fundamental training in Microsoft Word, Excel, Powerpoint, as well as a Typing Essentials Program, to ensure students in all disciplines are equipped for full participation in academic programs as well as the future workforce.  

Digital Literacy Programs

Learn the essentials at your own pace.

LinkedIn Learning Circle

Explore learning opportunities and earn certificates.

Community Connections Program

Practical experience in the workplace provides an important step along the path to career success. For many newcomers it can be incredibly challenging to gain work experience in Canada aligned with their long term career goals. In this program, Columbia College will cover the employment costs for students to take on projects and provide support services to local community benefit organizations. 

Don’t forget to contact our Student Career Advisor, Ana Albuquerque, at to learn more about the program.

Limitless Conference

Limitless is an annual conference at Columbia College intended to celebrate student excellence in academic scholarship, as well as to equip students with the practical skills and knowledge they need to succeed in life. The conference features keynote speeches from inspiring leaders, a Careers Fair and the opportunity for attendees to watch their fellow students present on subjects that they are passionate about.  
All of the participants and presenters at the conference are international students. 

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