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Sign-up to Join the Co-LAB Community Network

Co-LAB Community Network: Supporting Project and Proposal Development

Students, Alumni, Community Partners and Staff who have ideas for projects, or who would like to explore possible projects together with others, are invited to join the freely accessible Co-LAB Community Network. The Co-LAB community will enable periodic updates with project collaborators, ongoing training and access to Catalytic Thinking resources and tools, and organized events to support participants to develop innovative and comprehensive project proposals for submission to the College or external funders.

While our sign-up form remains accessible throughout the year,
we extend invitations to join the Co-LAB Community Network
in January, May, and September.

Catalytic Thinking is a set of practices that brings forward the simple factors that create positive results, so those results can be consistently replicated and scaled. Catalytic thinkers believe in the power to create favorable cause-and-effect conditions towards achieving desirable results while bringing out the best in people and realize the power we have collectively. This can be accomplished by holding ourselves accountable for creating the future. As a result, we have a framework where everyone and everything is interconnected and interdependent and together, we become the change we want to see by building upon our strengths. By adopting an action-oriented framework, and finding answers to the following questions, one can strategically create an action plan. 

  • What do we want our actions to make possible? Possible for whom? What would 100% success look like?

  • What conditions outside our immediate control would lead to that success?

  • What conditions must be in place for us internally, to be able to influence those external conditions?

  • What actions will trip the levers to create those conditions?

In this way all projects will be equipped with language, tools and a planning framework that enables a Catalytic Thinking approach. The Executive Director will organize events, plan reflection activities, engage mentors, and lead the instruction of the Catalytic Thinking framework. 

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