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Limitless 2024: Science Fair

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A few members from the Science & Philosophy Division have collaborated in planning this year’s Science Fair, in conjunction with the Limitless Conference. The aim of it is to equip the students with knowledge about careers in science and provide them a chance to present their research on their desired fields. Based on a survey conducted among science students, two career fields are selected: Pharmacy and Nursing.

A guest speaker for each field will be invited to provide information and answer student questions regarding their respective career. Student poster presentations will be judged, and prizes will be awarded.

Thursday, March 14, 2024

Science Fair Student Poster Presenters

  1. Abnir – Learning about black holes in our galaxy
  2. Caitlyn – Brain benefits of sialic acid from edible bird’s nest
  3. Deeksha – Managing diabetes with a healthy lifestyle
  4. Eunice – Significant contributions of blood typing in forensics
  5. Jagjot – Stem cell therapy in the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease
  6. Khushman – Exploring causes and treatment of insomnia
  7. Lovisht – Brain mapping and its challenges in lie detection
  8. Maria Priscilla – Effects of caffeine on the nervous system of dogs
  9. Mingyao – Agricultural advances using hormones to control growth and ripening of plants
  10. Minpinder – Discovery of exoplanets
  11. Nishita – Generating electricity from waste water
  12. Priscilla Josephine – The use of insects in forensic investigations
  13. Sandeep – Heart transplantation and organ donation: exploring a lifesaving journey
  14. Vanessa – Zoonotic diseases: their effect on global health
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