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Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

Protect yourself with Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

By adopting MFA within our institute, we aim to strengthen the security of our data, safeguard the institute’s reputation, and encourage confidence among students, staff, and faculty members.

MFA is required for all members at Columbia College. The Microsoft Authenticator app is recommended to ensure compatibility with all resources used by the College.

Resources that would require your MFA verification approval

  • Microsoft Office apps (such as, Excel, PowerPoint, Word)
  • Moodle
  • OneDrive
  • Outlook (desktop, mobile app, web)
  • Remote Desktop
  • SharePoint
  • Teams
  • Any other resources that utilize Office 365 login

General FAQ

You should be prompted every time you access resources that uses your Office 365 credentials outside of the College’s network.

Please contact IT for alternatives in securing your account.
Please visit IT office (Main Campus, Room 413) for assistance.
Yes please, the Microsoft Authenticator app will need access to send you notifications which will allow you to enter the code, and for your camera so you can scan the QR code.
Please try to zoom in or out of your web browser using CTRL + (plus) or CTRL – (minus) key combination on your keyboard to see if the Next button will show up. If not, please visit IT office (Main Campus, Room 413)
Please visit IT office (Main Campus, Room 413) for assistance.
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