High School Courses
Note: Not all courses listed are offered each semester.
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AR 11: Art 11
There will be two main components: art studio (hands-on) and art history (academic).
CH 12: Chemistry 12
An advanced course in basic physical chemistry, focusing on the following topics: kinetics, equilibrium, acids and bases, solubility, and electrochemistry.
CHEM 11: Chemistry 11
A basic general chemistry course on atoms, molecules, elements, compounds, the mole concept and stoichiometric calculations, types of chemical reactions, chemical bonds, gases, solutions, and elementary organic chemistry.
CLC 12: Career Life Connections/Capstone Project
Career Life Connections helps students discover a bridge between classroom learning and workplace and post-secondary realities, and is intended to make their learning meaningful and relevant.
CLE 10: Career-Life Education 10
The Career Life Education curriculum supports students in the process of becoming successful, educated citizens by providing them with opportunities to explore a variety of careers and options for their futures.
CLE 11: Career-Life Education 11
The Career-Life Education curriculum supports students in the process of becoming successful, educated citizens by providing them with opportunities to explore a variety of careers and options for their futures.
CLE 12: Career-Life Education 12
The Career-Life Education curriculum supports students in the process of becoming successful, educated citizens by providing them with opportunities to explore a variety of careers and options for their futures.
CMCL 12: Comparative Cultures 12
Students will learn to analyze the political, social, economic, and religious aspects of ancient cultures, and how geographic and environmental factors have influenced the development of agriculture and trade in increasingly complex cultures. Students will
CMPS 11: Composition 11
A course supporting students in developing skills in written communication. Students will read and study compositions by other writers as models for the development of their writing. Through this course students will build increasing independence
DRAMA 10: Drama 10
An introductory course in drama focusing on the development of basic drama skills. Through extensive work in both small and large groups, students gain confidence as they explore and communicate ideas, experiences, and feelings in
DRAMA 11: Drama 11
The purpose of Drama 11 is to build on the dramatic elements and skills developed in Grade 10 Drama. Through their work in theatre performance, students have the opportunity to explore and develop expression, trust
EN 10: English 10 (or Composition 10 (4) and Literary Studies 10(4))
Students will be co-registered in two Grade 10 level English courses (2 credits each). In these courses students may focus on topics such as the writing process, written communication, terminology, analysis and interpretation of text.
ENFP 12 – English First Peoples 12
EFP 12 builds upon and extends students’ previous learning experiences in ELA and EFP 10 and 11 courses. The course is grounded in the First Peoples Principles of Learning. It is designed for all students,
FMP 10: Foundations of Mathematics and Pre-Calculus 10
This course includes the study of operations on powers with integral exponents, prime factorization, functions and relations, graphs, linear functions and equations, arithmetic sequences, systems of linear equations, multiplication of polynomial expressions & factoring, primary
FMP 12: Foundations of Mathematics 12
This course includes the study of geometric explorations (constructions, conics, and fractals), graphical representations of polynomial, logarithmic, exponential, and sinusoidal functions, regression analysis, combinatorics, probability, and financial planning.
HGEO 12: Human Geography 12
An exploration of the relationship between people and the environment to better understand our globally connected and changing world. Demographic, resource, economic, political and social considerations are explored.