High School Courses

Note: Not all courses listed are offered each semester.

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LTST 11: Literary Studies 11

English Literary Studies 11 is a course in literature and language skills. Through the development of skills in reading, writing, speaking, listening and critical thinking, students will broaden their ability to comprehend and analyse works

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PGEO 12: Physical Geography 12

An exploration of the interactions between people and the environment, the impact natural processes have upon our landscape including plate tectonics, agents of gradation, natural disasters, climate and weather and environmental sustainability.

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PHED 10: Physical and Health Education 10

The curriculum unites two curricular areas, physical education and health education, into one concentrated area of learning to provide a comprehensive focus on healthy living for students. Blended, physical and health education maintain their core

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PREC 11: Pre-calculus 11

This course includes the study of real number system, powers with rational exponents, radical operations and equations, polynomial factoring, rational expressions and equations, quadratic functions and equations, linear and quadratic inequalities, trigonometry, and financial literacy

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PREC 12: Pre-calculus 12

This course includes the study of transformations of functions and relations, exponential functions and equations, geometric sequences and series, logarithms (operations, functions, and equations), polynomial functions and equations, rational functions, and trigonometry (functions, equations, and

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SC 10: Science 10

This course encourages students to develop skills of scientific reasoning as they practice observing, classifying, predicting, inferring and hypothesizing as they explore various topics that span life sciences, physical sciences and the study of the

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SJ 12 – Social Justice 12

Social Justice 12 takes a critical approach to social justice, examining how society is stratified in significant and far-reaching ways along social group lines that include race, class, gender, sexuality, and ability. Students will learn

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SS 10: Social Studies 10

An exploration of Canadian history and its relation to the world, focusing on the growth of Canadian nationhood and the development of Canadian identities with an emphasis on the years 1914 to the present. Topics

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SS 11: Explorations in Social Studies 11

The aim of Social Studies 11 is to develop thoughtful, responsible, active citizens who are able to acquire the requisite information to consider multiple perspectives and to make reasoned judgments. Social Studies 11 provides students

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WH 12: 20th Century World History 12

This course uses historical enquiry processes and skills to ask questions, gather, interpret and analyze ideas and communicate findings, relating to nationalist movements that can unite people or lead to intense conflict, the impact of

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