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GEOG 111: Introduction to Physical Geography

GEOG 111: Introduction to Physical Geography

GEOG 111: Introduction to Physical Geography


ENGL 099

The surface of the Earth is an extremely dynamic environment where forces and processes driven by internal and external sources of energy interact to create climate, landforms and landscapes. Students will examine the principles and processes governing climate, landforms, vegetation systems and their interrelationships, as well as natural and human-induced changes to environmental systems. The effects of solar energy, climate, tectonic activity, gravity, weathering, as well as erosion and sediment transport from glaciers, rivers, waves, and wind will be discussed within the context of physical geography. Taking this course will allow students to acquire an appreciation of how processes and flows of energy between the atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere and biosphere are interrelated, and how they are impacted by human activities.

In-class laboratory exercises address techniques of measurement, as well as representation and analysis of environmental systems through maps, satellite imagery, and online visualizations.

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