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High School Programs

Columbia College High School is accredited by the BC Ministry of Education. Students hoping to gain admission to a Canadian university will be academically well-equipped when they graduate from one of the College’s High School programs.

Columbia College offers four distinct High School program options. Note that only completion of the Senior Secondary Program will allow a student to be eligible for direct entry to a university, while successful completion of the other programs will allow a student to enter the University Transfer Program at Columbia College.

Senior Secondary (Grade 10, 11, 12)

This program is certified by the BC Ministry of Education and fully conforms to the ministry’s requirements. Successful graduates will receive a BC Certificate of Graduation (Dogwood Diploma), which is the same credential offered by all public high schools in BC. This is a requirement for direct entry to a Canadian university. Literacy and numeracy assessments will be required for graduation. Students will follow the revised 2018 graduation curriculum implemented by the BC Ministry of Education. Literacy and numeracy assessments will be required for graduation.

Accelerated Secondary (Grade 11 & 12)

Successful completion of the Accelerated Program meets the Columbia College admission requirements for the C.C. University transfer and Associate Degree program. The Accelerated Secondary Program is a non BC Ministry of Education Program. Please note that students who choose this path will not receive the BC Ministry of Education Dogwood Diploma.

Adult Secondary (Grade 11 & 12)

This BC Ministry of Education program is for students over the age of 18 and provides a quicker route to graduation and university-level studies at Columbia College. Students receive a BC Adult Graduation Diploma (Adult Dogwood Diploma) upon completion of this program.

University Preparatory

Tailored to each student’s needs, this program provides missing courses for students who have graduated from High School but lack the prerequisites for their university studies. It is normally a one semester program comprised of a maximum of four appropriate academic courses, which can be a combination of high school and university courses. Upon completion, students can proceed into Columbia College’s University Transfer program or Associate Degree programs.


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Graduation Requirements

Senior Secondary (Grade 10, 11, 12) : 80 credits

English Language Arts 104
Math 104
Science 104
Physical and Health Education 104
English Language Arts 114
Math 114
Science 114
Social Studies 11 or 124
English Studies 124
3 Academic Grade 12 courses4
2 Career Educations courses8
Arts Education or Applied Design, Skills and Technology4
4 Electives16

Accelerated Secondary (Grade 11 & 12): 28 credits

Literacy Studies 11 or Composition 114
English Studies 124
Math 11 or Social Studies 114
Career Life Education 11, Science 11 or Social Studies 114
3 Academic Grade 12 Courses12

Adult Secondary (Grade 11 & 12): 20 credits

English Studies 124
Math 11 or 124
3 Academic Grade 12 Courses12

Transfer Standing

Many students are eligible to receive “transfer standing” (TS) credit for courses taken before entering Columbia College. TS will be granted for courses that are considered equivalent to the established provincial- or board-authorized course.

An overseas student who transfers into a High School Program may be eligible for advanced placement at the Grade 11 or 12 levels if TS credit has been granted in the prerequisite Grade 10 or 11 course.

Transfer standing for a Language 11/12 will be granted as specified by the Ministry of Education. Transfer standing will be awarded only if official final results are presented.

Dual Credit

The BC Ministry of Education allows students to take courses at recognized post-secondary institutions and count these courses as four-credit non-subject-specific grade 12 courses towards completion of the requirements for high school graduation while, at the same time, receiving full university transfer credit.

Students studying in a High School Program at Columbia College may be allowed to register in a university-level course and, upon successful completion, be granted credit for both the university course and a secondary course at the grade 12 level. (The latter will be recorded as PSIAD 12, not a specific subject, on transcripts.) A “dual credit fee” will be assessed in such cases.

Trimester System

Columbia College students benefit from three start dates a year, with intakes in January, May, and September. This means you can take more courses over a 12-month period, moving through the program more quickly than a linear system. You can complete high school in as little as 2 years!

Students will have a 3-4 week break between semesters.


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