ALL Courses

CSCI 101: Connecting with Computer Science

An overview of the history and fundamentals of computing and the connections with the arts, psychology, and biology. This course provides a thorough and rigorous overview of the fundamental issues concerning both hardware and software.

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CSCI 250: Introduction to Computer Architecture

This course describes the general organization and architecture of computers, identifies the major components of computers, and studies their functions. Topics include: processor organization; control logic design; memory systems; instruction set architecture; and architectural support for operating

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CSCI 275: Software Engineering

This course introduces the basic concepts and modern tools and techniques of Software Engineering. The course emphasizes: the development of reliable and maintainable software via system requirements and specifications; software design methodologies including object-oriented design, implementation,

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DRAMA 10: Drama 10

An introductory course in drama focusing on the development of basic drama skills. Through extensive work in both small and large groups, students gain confidence as they explore and communicate ideas, experiences, and feelings in

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DRAMA 11: Drama 11

The purpose of Drama 11 is to build on the dramatic elements and skills developed in Grade 10 Drama. Through their work in theatre performance, students have the opportunity to explore and develop expression, trust

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ECON 101: Introductory Economics

This course provides an introduction to the principles of economics for students with no background in the subject. Throughout this course students will be asked to consider the “Economic Way of Thinking”. How are the

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ECON 105: Principles of Macroeconomics

This course provides an introduction to macroeconomic theory, with special reference to the Canadian economy. “Model Building” is emphasized. Topics covered include Canada’s national accounts, the measurement of inflation, growth and unemployment, an open economy

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