ALL Courses

MATH 113: Calculus I

Note: Credit will be granted for only one of MATH 111 or MATH 113 or MATH 115. This is the first course in calculus deigned for students majoring in Math, Physics, Chemistry, Computing Science and

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MATH 114: Calculus II

Note: This is the second course in calculus deigned for students majoring in Math, Physics, Chemistry, Computing Science and Engineering. Students continuing on to a university in these fields are advised to enroll in MATH

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MATH 120: Discrete Mathematics I

This is the first course in discrete mathematics with introduction to logic and formal reasoning. Topics include fundamental principles of counting and logic, set theory, mathematical induction, properties of integers, relations and functions. The course

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MATH 206: Mathematical Statistics

This is a calculus-based introduction to probability and mathematical statistics. Topics include random variables and the special distributions of statistical theory. The course is primarily designed for Mathematics, Computer Science, and Science students, but Social

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MATH 213: Calculus III

An introduction to calculus of several variables, treating limits and continuity, partial derivatives, extrema, the chain rule, double, triple and path integrals. The course is designed for Mathematics, Computer Science, and Science students. It is

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MATH 214: Calculus IV

This is a course in vector calculus that applies calculus to vector functions of a single variable as well as to scalar and vector fields. Topics include gradient, divergence, curl, line and surface integrals, the

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MATH 215: Mathematical Proof

This is a second year course designed for students majoring in Mathematics and Science. The emphasis is on understanding different proof techniques in mathematics and writing correct and clear proofs.

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MATH 221: Discrete Mathematics II

This is a second course in discrete mathematics – a continuation of MATH 120. Topics include relations, the principle of inclusion and exclusion, generating functions, recurrence relations, introduction to graph theory and trees. This course

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MATH 225: Analysis I

This is the first course in pure mathematics, introducing the ideas of limits, convergence and divergence of sequences. The course is designed for students majoring in Mathematics, Science, Engineering, and Theoretical Computer Science. It is

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PGEO 12: Physical Geography 12

An exploration of the interactions between people and the environment, the impact natural processes have upon our landscape including plate tectonics, agents of gradation, natural disasters, climate and weather and environmental sustainability.

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